
Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Growth Is the Pathway of Your Potential

Potential is the one of the most wonderful words in any language. It looks forward with optimism, it is filled with hope. Does it promise success? It implies fulfillment. It hints at greatness. Poyential is a word base on possibilities. Think about your potential as a human being and you get excited, at least. And I hope you do, what a possitive thought. Who does have personal potential? Absolutely, your personal potential is what you could be the person you can become.

I believe you also have the desire to reach your potential, so the question is, How do you do it? You must growth, grow with highly intentional. You must learn how to grow and develop yourself so you have best chance of becoming the person you were created to be. You must help yourself to develop the right attitude too, learn more about your strenght, tap into your passion, become more in touch with your purpose and develop your skills so you can be all you can be.

How do we get better at what we do? How do we improve our reationships? How do we gain more depth and wisdom as a person? How do we gain insight? How do we come obstacles? Work harder? Work longer? Or just wait for the things to get better?

If we focus on goals, we may hit the goals but that doesn't guarantee growth. If we focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals.

Everybody has dream. They are dreaming everyday, but some other don't believe that they can achieve their dream. It has happened to me too. If we have dreams, goals, or aspirations, we need to grow to achieve them. But if we're like most people, we have one ore more mistaken beliefs creating gaps that keep us from growing and reaching our potential.

When we are children, our bodies grow automatically. A year goes by, and we become taller, stronger, more capable of doing new things and facing new challeges. But not for our mental, spiritual and emotional. We don't improve bu simply living, we have to be intentional about it. We must take complete ownership of the growth process, because nobody else will do it for us. If we want our life to improve, we must improve ourself. We must make that a conscious goal.

Don't ever say "I don't know how to grow?". Many people learn only from the school of hard knocks. Difficult experience teach them lesson "the hard way," and they change to be better, but some time for the worse either. The lessons are random and difficult. It's much better to plan our growth intentionally. We decide where we need or want to grow, we choose what will learn, and we follow though with discipline going at the pace we set.

Think about what it is that you want to do. Whom do you want to be? Make a list of things that will help you reach that goal and be that person. Is there something on that list you can do now? Do it now! Start to help yourself grow.

When you start working actively toward your goal, you will find that the door of personal growth opens a crack. Through that crack you'll begin to see more growth opportunities everywhere. Your world begins to open up. You accomplish more. You learn more. Other opportunities begin to present themselves.

Find your own potential!

Friday, 17 January 2014

NikmatMu untuk Negeri ini

Belum usang dari pejamanku.
Sinabung memuntahkan lahar merah menyala,
Kebulan dari awan panas melebihi empat setengah kilometer ke arah Berastepu,
Tentang ibu-ibu hamil dan lansia,
Tentang anak-anak yang kehilangan ruang kelasnya,
Tentang mereka yang makan nasi putih saja seadanya,
Sungguh mataku tak menatapnya nyata,
Sungguh tanganku tak menyentuhnya jua,
Hanya jiwa ini bersamanya,
bersama mereka semua memeluk dalam do'a.

Masih jelas dalam ingatanku,
Ketika kawan mengabarkan kondisi logistik yang tak merata,
Tentang seluruh lahan pertanian yang tertutup abu letusan,
Dataran tinggi Karo tertimpa bencana,
Sinabung terbangun dari tidur panjangnya.

Belum usang kabar letusan,
Dentuman air bah datang menghantam Jakarta.
Bendungan jebol.
Longsor di Sukabumi pun tak mau alpa,
Dan ketika semua belum jua reda,
Hantaman nikmatMu datang ke Sulawesi Utara.

Sampaikah pada hatimu?
Tentang rintih anak-anak kedinginan di tengah banjir bandang,
Sampaikah pada telingamu?
Tentang longsor dan banjir yang meratakan daratan Manado,
Belasan warga tertimbun tak ditemukan,
Lebih empat ribu orang dalam satu himpunan, pengungsian.

Telah sampaikah pada mata batinmu?
Lebih dari seribu unit rumah tenggelam hingga atapnya?
Semua kehidupan berubah dalam satu malam,
Kantor pemerintahan beku dalam pelayanan,
Semua riuh semua mengaduh,
Hati hancur mata memandang seluruh,
Toli-toli pun ikut tenggelam dalam kolam air keruh,

Tersungkur aku,
Bisu suaraku tiada bisa melagu.
Perih tangis atas negeriku.

Bukan tanpa sebab aku menangis lirih,
Raga mematung merintih,
Nikmat ini tak dapat mereka nikmati sendiri,
Batin menjeritkan perih,
mataku terjaga meski pedih.
Aku merasakan lapar dan dinginnya mereka dari sini.

Kuatkan para sahabat kami
Bersukarela turun di tengah nikmat ini,
Tanpa berharap imbal jasa ataupun mati syahid,
Tanpa lelah tanpa resah,
Semangat berjuang atas nama kemanusiaan.

Sehatkan mereka,
Ringankan atas halangannya,
Mudahkan atas usahanya,
Pada jiwa yang terkurung jarak,
Aku titipkan peluk dan cinta kasih kepada semuanya.

Bantu kami menjaga negeri ini.

Pelukku dari jauh, Indonesia!
17 Januari 2014, 01.10